
  • 13/12/2021. Press release from Fundación Descubre regarding the Press article in several media: Diario Sur, La Opinión de Málaga, COPE, Diari de Girona, Noticias de Ciencia.
  • 23/11/2021. Appearance of the UMA-BCI group in the TV program La Aventura del Saber, starting at minute 18:45
  • 05/09/2019. The paper preented in the conference BRAININFO 2019, “Exploring a P300 Brain-Computer Interface Based on Three Different RSVP Paradigms” has been awarded as the best paper, (link).
  • 2/10/2019. Press reference to the UMA-BCI group in the popular science magazine Novaciencia. Online version, pdf version (page 26).