
  • 19/05/2024. Report on the TELMA Telecommunications Institute of the University of Malaga, with special mention to the UMA-BCI group in Diario Sur.
  • 7/07/2023. Participation of Francisco Velasco in the I Encuentro “Contigo Somos Visibles” with the talk “Artificial Intelligence at the service of Disability”. Video link (minute 4:20:45).
  • 26/06/2023. The paper presented at the conference COGNITIVE 2023, “Evaluation of Different Types of Stimuli in a ERP-Based Brain-Computer Interface Speller under RSVP” received one of the ·Best Paper Award”, (Link).
  • 31/05/2023. Participation of Francisco Velasco in the Ágora Telefónica Conference organized by the 5G Chair for New Generation Networks and Information Technologies, called “Building on the network: technological networks as facilitators of human networks”.
  • 16/05/2023. Report on the group’s recent research on the science outreach program “En Red” on Andalucía TV.
  • 16/02/2023. Participation of the UMA-BCI group in the Foro Transfiere as a member of the Institute TELMA. News about it in informativo de Canal Málaga (minute 6:30).
  • 14/02/2023. As a result of the work “Brain-computer interface (BCI)-generated speech to control domotic devices”, the Foundation “Descubre” issues a press release that is reflected in several national media: EuropaPress, La Vanguardia, 20 Minutos, Nius Diario, El Diario de Castilla la Mancha, La Gaceta de Andalucía, Málaga Hoy, En Andaluz, InfoSalus, among others, with a mention in the science news of the day in the “Informativo matinal para ahorrar tiempo” (by Angel Martín, 15/02/23)
  • 13/12/2021. Press release from Fundación Descubre regarding the Press article in several media: Diario Sur, La Opinión de Málaga, COPE, Diari de Girona, Noticias de Ciencia.
  • Interview with Ricardo Ron on the radio program Mediodía COPE, starting at minute 20:00.
  • 23/11/2021. Appearance of the UMA-BCI group in the TV program La Aventura del Saber, starting at minute 18:45
  • Interview with Ricardo Ron on the radio program “Hoy por Hoy matinal Málaga“, Cadena Ser.
  • 2/10/2019. Press reference to the UMA-BCI group in the popular science magazine Novaciencia. Online version, pdf version (page 26).
  • 21/06/2019. Press article in several media: Sala de Prensa de la UMA,La Opinión de Málaga, La Vanguardia, Cope, Novaciencia, Aula Magna, Andalucía Información.
  • 12-14/06/2019: Organization of the special session entitled “New and future tendencies in Brain-Computer Interface systems” within the 15th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN 2019) (
  • 28/05/2019. Reference of the project SICSE in the web Accessible Technologies (Indra), link.
  • 25/04/2019. Press reference in several publications: Agencia SINC, Europa Press, Fundación Descubre, La Vanguardia, LaSexta, The World News, MalagaHoy
  • 03/09/2018. The paper preented in the conference BRAININFO 2018, “Evaluation of a P300 Brain-Computer Interface Using Different Sets of Flashing Stimuli” has been awarded as the best paper, (link).
  • 04/06/2018. Appearance of the UMA-BCI group in the TV program La Aventura del Saber, starting at minute 54:55
  • 27/01/2018. Appearance of the UMA-BCI group in the TV program Tesis, Canal Sur.  The Amyotrophic Lateral Esclerosis is discussed from 11:41; the LiCOM system is explained at minute 20:25.
  • 10/01/2018. Press reference in: Diario Sur, link.27 January 2018
  • 21/12/2017. Press reference in: Sala de Prensa de la UMA, enlace. Several media replicate the news (Europa Press, 20 Minutos, La Opinión de Málaga, Nova Ciencia).
  • 13/12/2017. Press reference in: Saber Universidad, link.
  • 12-14/06/2017. Organization of the special session entitled “Real World applications of BCI systems” within the 14th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN 2017) (
  • 10/05/2017. Press reference in: Diario Sur, link.
  • 22/6/2015. The INCADI project wins the 2nd award “Premios Dependencia y Sociedad”, from Fundación CASER (Link)
  • 12/05/2015. Article in the newspaper Sur’s supplement “Crónica Universitaria” regarding the use of spellers for ALS patients.
  • 17/01/2015. Interview for the radio program “Aula Abierta”, at Radio Andalucía Información (starting at minute 33, Link)
  • 13/01/2015. Post in the blog “” (Behavioral Science in the 21st Century) in reference to the work presented at the “7th Annual European Association for Behavior Analysis” (Link)
  • 04/12/2014. The INCADI project wins the award “Premio Mejor Historia de Luz”, from the news website Historias de Luz (Link, award presentation video)
  • 02/08/2014. News about the project INCADI in the newspaper SUR  (Link)
  • 11/11/2013. News about the project INCADI in the newspapers La Opinión de Málaga (Link) and Malaga Hoy (Link)
  • 10/11/2013. Video published in the news agency “Andalusian Stories” (Historias de Luz). Link
  • 14/03/2013. Popular science article “Controlar las máquinas con la mente: pensamientos permiten a los discapacitados desplazarse y escribir” in the scientific web Ciencícola: Link
  • 04/2012. Popular science article by Ricardo Ron Angevin, “Interfaz Cerebro-Computadora: Pensamientos al servicio de la comunicación” in Uciencia, a popular science journal of the University of Málaga, nº 9, p.36-39, April 2012. Link